The Blue Microphone Tiki is the worlds first microphone say Blue, to
mimic the way that humans hear. Enabling it to focusing on specific
sounds, cut down
on background noise and automatically know when to mute
itself completely, and will be available for $59
Another worlds first is the new BlueSpark Digital, which is a studio
grade mic that offers both USb and iPad connectivity for on the move
recordings, and what Blue calls “the first professional recording
option” for Apple’s iPad. The Blue Spark Digital will set you back a
heft $199, but comes complete with a desk stand equipped with built-in
shockmount, cables for both USB and iPad.
Lastly Blue has also unveiled its new Mikey Digital mic for iPod
touch, iPhone and iPad. A plug-and-play mic featuring automatic and
manual gain control and a multi-source aux input for tracking guitar and
other instruments using your iOS Apple device.
For more information and full press releases jump over to the Engadget website.