What is Website Stats ?

The websites on the internet are mostly for the promotion and marketing of the products and services of various companies and organizations. These websites are created and maintained for the soul purpose of analyzing the visitors in the website and their reaction to the offers.
The number of visitors on a particular website is
called the website traffic and this determines the kind of response the website owner can expect on the product or services offered by their company as stated in the webpage.
This website traffic can be calculated by the stats which can be added in any website for free so as to determine the number of visitors visiting the web site in a time period.
For this purpose there are various free digital styled traffic counters which are used by the websites all over the world wide web so as to find out the statistics of the traffic in the
Website. These stats are not only useful because they allow the owner to have an idea about the popularity of the webpage, but it also gives an overview of the reaction of the consumers on a particular product or offering of the company.
If the Website stats show a considerably decent amount of visitors and yet there is no such positive response regarding the product the owner can think of altering the offer so as to meet the needs of the consumers which might not have been fulfilled with the current situation.
Website Stats thus have proved to be very useful and almost all the websites now consist of this technology to view the statistics on a regular basis.

Penulis : Unknown ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel What is Website Stats ? ini dipublish oleh Unknown pada hari Sunday, October 9, 2011. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan What is Website Stats ?

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