What is Blog ?

Blog is one of those internet arrivals that have gained immense popularity and are still very commonly used over the internet. A blog is known to be a type of website which contains entries written chronologically and displayed in the reverse chronological order.
Blog is also said to be the act of maintaining or adding the content on the website.
Blogs, basically are focused on one particular type of topic, mostly which is on the news, commentary or even updates. It can include the subjects like food, politics, fashion etc. It can also be more personal and can be used to write online diaries and experiences on a more personal level.
A typical blog contains all the text, and information including the images, and links to other blogs and websites for a particular topic. The distinguishing feature of the Blogs is that the format is quite interactive and approachable to the reader, mostly because the style has to be casual and personal. Blogs are mostly all of them based on texts but sometimes to support the matter the images, music and even videos are included.
There are many different types of blogging. Micro-blogging is one such type which is associated with only the very short posts in the blog. The blogs containing the media type materials are known are categorized differently, the one with videos are called the vlog, those which consist of the links are the linklog and in the same way the ones containing the photos are known as the photolog.
Blogs can be on various different topics and subjects like the fashion blogs, travel blogs etc, however there is one more such type of blog which focuses on spamming and is known as the Splog.
There are some special search engines which are used to search some specific types of blogs over the internet.

Penulis : Unknown ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

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