What Is Cloud Computing ?


Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet. These services are broadly divided into three categories: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS),

What Is QR Codes ?


How it works

QR codes, or quick response codes, is a type of 2D bar code that may be decoded using your smartphone with a QR code reader.  From being a tracking mechanism for auto parts, QR codes have proven to be very useful in marketing and convenience related applications that is more suitable for smartphone users.  In the recent months,

What is Smowtion

Smowtion is a global technology company founded in 2008 by the ArgentinesSantiago Pinto Escalier (co-founder of Bumeran.com), and Mariano Andrés AlteriniElizar (co-founders of the site Keegy.com).

eBay VS Amazon

*-* Generally I would go for Amazon!

I have been selling my used books on Amazon for a while. 
1- Generally Amazon is a better place to sell stuff but not for everything. For selling electronics and some special stuff you should get a sort of permission from Amazon to be able to sell your item.


What Is Amazon

Amazon was founded in 1995, spurred by what Bezos called "regret minimization framework", his effort to fend off regret for not staking a claim in the Internet gold rush.
The company began as an online bookstore. While the largest brick-and-mortar bookstores

What Is eBay ?

eBay® is a company operating on the Internet that allows for vendors of any kind to auction or sell merchandise of a variety of types. Started in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar, the company still operates out of California. Much of the activity that goes on at eBay®

? What Is PayPal

PayPal is an American-based global e-commerce business allowing payments and money transfers to be made through the Internet. Online money transfers serve as electronic alternatives to paying with traditional paper methods, such as checks and money orders.

What is Photoshop ?

Photoshop is the leading digital image editing application for the Internet, print, and other new media disciplines. It is embraced by millions of graphic artists, print designers, visual communicators, and regular people like you. It's likely that nearly every picture you've

What is metasploit ?

The Metasploit Project takes penetration testing to a whole new level, not only finding vulnerabilities in applications, but also providing exploit code that so-called white hat and black hat hackers alike can use to test the real-world implications of these vulnerabilities. Metasploit founder, developer, and researcher H.D. Moore took some time away

What is YouTube ?

YouTube is a web-service that allows anybody to post their video files and share them with other people. YouTube was founded in 2005 by the authors of PayPal, an internet payment service. The first public version came out in November 2005. The project grew steadily,

What is Opera ?

Opera is a Web browser that provides some advantages over other browsers from Mozilla or Microsoft. Much smaller in size, Opera is known for being fast and stable. Opera is available for a number of operating systems, including BeOS, Symbian OS, Linux, Mac OS, OS/2,

What is firefox ?

FireFox is a web browser created by Mozilla, the original creators of the Netscape series of browsers. Version one was released in November 2004. It quickly gained new fans because of its open source license and multitude of features. Multiple new versions have

What is Google Chrome ?

Google Chrome, an Internet browser designed by Google, Inc., is one of the newer additions in the competitive Internet browsing market. For years, the Internet browser genre of software was dominated by Microsoft with its flagship Internet Explorer. However, since 2000,

Hacker Group Anonymous Vows To Destroy Facebook On November 5

Hacktivist group Anonymous, which has been responsible for cyber-attacks on the Pentagon, News Corp, and others, has vowed to destroy Facebook on November 5th (which should ring a bell).
Citing privacy concerns and the difficulty involved in deleting a Facebook

What is Google Plus

Google revealed the first five features coming with its new social product today, called Google+. At first glance, Google+ seems to be a worthy competitor to Facebook, if for no other reason than ease of use and the ability to share certain things with certain people in the different facets of your life.

twitter VS facebook

 A statistical comparison of facebook and twitter. One could say that Twitter users are more productive than facebook.
Click image for agrandire

What Is Twitter ?

"I just don't understand Twitter."
That is the reply I get most often when I talk about Twitter to friends and family. "What is Twitter?" they will ask. And when I explain the basics of how Twitter operates, they ask, "Why would anyone use Twitter?"

What is facebook ?

Facebook is a social networking website intended to connect friends, family, and business associates. It is the largest of the networking sites, with the runner up being MySpace. It began as a college networking website and has expanded to include anyone and everyone.
Facebook was founded by 2004 by

What is BackTrack ?

The BackTrack distribution originated from the Linux counterparts WHAX and Max Moser's Auditor Security Collection - "The Swiss Army Knife for security assessments". Both where focused on Linux-based penetration tests. While WHAX was

What is Wordpress ?

Wordpress is actually a system of the publishing of blogs which is written in the PHP and also has a back of the MySQL database.
The developer of wordpress are Matt Mullenweg, Ryan Boren, and Donncha O Caoimh, this programming system is licensed by GNU General Public License. The wordpress also has its official website which is http://wordpress.org/

What is Data Entry ?

Data entry involves entering of the data known as the input for the processing procedure in any computer and is known to include the conversion of the data into any useful information or knowledge to be used. This process is usually automatic and is run on every computer.

What is Website Stats ?

The websites on the internet are mostly for the promotion and marketing of the products and services of various companies and organizations. These websites are created and maintained for the soul purpose of analyzing the visitors in the website and their reaction to the offers.
The number of visitors on a particular website is

What is Blog ?

Blog is one of those internet arrivals that have gained immense popularity and are still very commonly used over the internet. A blog is known to be a type of website which contains entries written chronologically and displayed in the reverse chronological order.

What is Script ?

Script refers to the type of computer languages which are actually called the computer programming languages, whose interpretation is typical and it can also be typed directly from the keyboard itself.
Scripts are special types of programming languages which are

What is XML ?

XML is a language with the file extension .xml which is developed by the World Wide Web Consortium. The format of this XML language is the Markup Language and it is extended from the SGML to XHTML, RSS and also Atom. There are two common standards of the XML markup language which are the 1.0 and the 1.1.
The XML is a type of

What is RSS Reader ?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is actually known to be a community or family of the Web Feed formats which is widely used for the publishing of the updates and contents like the blogs, news, podcasts or a variety of other frequent updates. There are special documents for the RSS which is more commonly known as the feed,

What Is DSL ?

The full form of DSL is known as the digital subscriber line, which consists of various different technologies that provide an internet connection to a computer network using the DSL.
The digital subscriber line , or most commonly known as the DSL, involves the use of the pair of copper phone lines using the wiring networks, these also comprise

What is Internet ?

The internet in simple terms is a network of the interlinked computer networking worldwide, which is accessible to the general public. These interconnected computers work by transmitting data through a special type of packet switching which is known as the IP or the internet protocol.
Internet is such a huge network of several different interlinked

What Is a Computer ?

We are all familiar with what a computer is in a specific, contemporary sense. Personal computers are found in most aspects of daily life, and for some it is hard to even imagine a world without them. But the term computer means more than simply the Macs and PCs we are familiar with. A computer is, at its most basic, a machine which can take instructions, and perform computations based on those instructions.

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